BitRaam Digital Currency Development Team

We feel it is important for people to know who the management team behind a digital currency is.  One of the criticisms of Bitcoin is that we don't know for sure who started it.  It is questionable whether Satoshi Nakamoto is a real person, or a team.  Same with Shadoki Rikimoto.  For customer confidence, we feel the founders should be transparent, and are proud to stand behind the coins.

Rick Shaddock (Shadoki Rikimoto)
Project Founder, Financer, and Lead Developer
Computer and internet consultant in Washington DC since 1984. 

"The Transcendental Meditation  technique helped my body, mind, and spirit in many ways.  The idea for a digital Raam came from within our Collective Cosmic consciousness, our Self, thanks to meditation and Maharishi, so I am happy that we are donating 1 million BRM to the TM organization."

Gabriel Mendoza
Programmer, Consultant
BitRaam 4.1, GlobalBoost (BSTY), QT, block explorer Win/Mac/Linux, Solidity
Matthew Mitchell
Solution Engineer, primary programmer

Sean Brizendine
Lead Consultant, Association for Digital Currency

Lead technician on 4 successful crypto-currencies, including the launch of BRM.  Consultant in Silicon Valley, California.  Long time volunteer and team leader for non-profit educational organization.

Billy Cretan
Vice President of Marketing, Carbon Coin creator
Director of Salone Direct Limited in New York.  Expert in international affairs.  Has been interviewed on news shows for his expertise and philanthropy. 
More info   New York Hero for saving a child from a burning building, on Ellen DeGeneris Show
Marq Chavez
MIU student relations
Bitcoin miner
Dr. Larry Farwell
Harvard graduate, neuroscientist, one of Time Magazine's Top 100 Innovators, Bitcoin miner
TM Movement relations
Dr. Jim Karpen
MIU Faculty, Professor of Literature
Bitcoin miner.  TM relations

Paul Stokstad
Alumni Relations and Giving
Web site design for payments via cryptocurrency

Oksana Shemet Shaddock
UX design, graphic artist, web developer

Prianka Mondal as Sita
Sita is the smallest unit of BitRaam, like
Satoshi is the smallest usit of BitRaam

Dr. Tony Sousa
Doctor of Business Administration

Jai Guru Dev
Jai Developers


Thanks to a Raja Felix Kaegi and Raja Bob LoPinto

for inspiration and information.

Proof of Developer credentials