BitRaam Software Setup

Click to download the app for your computer type
Windows  MacIntosh  Linux and soon Android

Source code for programmers at and SeedNode
based on the C++ programs that Bitcoin started with.

If you already installed BitRaam Wallet 3 or 4, the BitRaam 5 Setup Wizard is designed to preserve your coins
but to be on the safe side, you can back up your Wallet.Dat in the block storage folder

MacIntosh version 4.0  (dmg)

. 1. Make a folder called C:\Program Files\BitRaam
2. Download the EXE from the above link into it.
3. Execute the BitRaam-QT.exe and enjoy.

How to Mine Your Own BitRaam
1. Select the Console tab
2. Type "setgenerate true"  to start mining
3. "setgenerate false" to stop it from processing

Select the Console tab

addnode "" add
addnode "" add
addnode "" add
addnode "" add 
addnode"" add
addnode "" add 
getaddednodeinfo false

Seed node
Seed node IP
Slovakia Telecom
to check if the nodes got added


Why the Raam?
Background info and proposal to Raja Raam
password: mantra

Source code posted for audit at

QT video

QT compiling

BitRaam White Paper

Prior version notes:
from 5/14/2014 through 3/19/2021, 594 MB, 620 MB  unzipped
Blocks and Chaindata folders in %appdata%/BitRaam folder   a.ka.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\BitRaam images

An educational coin paving the way for the Raam as a digital currency