FIDCA Events since 2014

Weekly meetings



conference id: 571423

Conference Call Sundays at 3:00 pm: 
via Zoom

This week in Bitcoin and digital currency
How to use exchanges
Backing up Bitcoin securely
Status of Digital Currency Club for students
Digital Currency & Consciousness classes at MUM
Conference or symposium
New businesses in Fairfield
Coins of the week
Progress on the Raam
Sharing tips
Questions & answers

First Fridays 2014 - 2017 Fairfield First Friday Art Walks
20140417RajaRaam Proposal to Maharaja Nader Raam for the Raam as a digital currency

Payment of .911 Bitcoin to Dr. David Griscom
for winning the 9/11 Physics Debate for 2015
3/14/2015 - Einstein's birthday or Pi Day

20140510Proposal Proposal to Raja Rogers Badgett and Dr. John Hagelin
20140502BitRaam BitRaam practice coin launched on Akshaya Tritiya day for educational purposes

Dr. Jim Karpen installs a Bitcoin Miner

20141014Proposal Proposal to Maharishi University President Dr. Bevan Morris
20141206MUMStudents How to install Bitcoin miners
201505EcoFair Fairfield Ecology Fair table

Maharishi University Club Day - introducing clubs to new students

KRUU-FM interview
20171112FairfieldLibrary Fairfield Library seminar
20171115PhoenixRising Phoenix Rising Center speech
20171119GoldenDomeMarket M.U.M. Student Club meeting at the Golden Dome Market
20171127FairfieldTownHall Presentation to Mayor Ed Malloy and the Fairfield Council
20171128KtvoRickBitcoin KTVO-TV interview
20171210LibraryBitcoinSCI Fairfield Library seminar on Bitcoin and SCI
20171213PhoenixRising Phoenix Rising Center speech
20171217GoldDomeMark Club meeting at the Golden Dome Market
20171225ChristmasBonusDome Christmas Bonus in Bitcoin to advanced TM meditators in the Golden Dome
201705KMCD_FCC Interview in KMCD with Fairfield Chamber of Commerce
20180107GoldenDomeCafe FIDCA meeting at the Golden Dome Cafe
20180406MUMDisruptors Disruptors Conference - at Maharishi University
David Lynch Foundation
2021 06 03 Phoenix Center Crypto Financial Committee
Free Air Drop of 1 Million Raam
1. Set up your free account at www.Waves.Exchange
2. Send your 35 character receive code to
3. FIDCA will send you your 1 Million Raam
to share with your friends and enjoy learning how crypto currency works
July 15-20, 2021 How To Take Your Pulse

Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency