Intro to Bitcoin and Digital Currency

Sunday November 12, 2017   7:30 pm - 9:30
Fairfield Public Library
104 W Adams Avenue, Fairfield, Iowa  52556

Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency ( is offering a free seminar on "What is Bitcoin? How can it help Fairfield?"

It will be at the Fairfield Public Library on Sunday November 12, 2017 at 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

Rick Shaddock (M.A., Education, MIU) will give a presentation followed by a Question & Answer session. Every participant will be offered a free $1 worth of Bitcoin to get started.

Sponsored by the Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency  800-319-3190 a local chapter of 

Information about:
* What is digital currency? Questions & Answers.
* How to buy, and sell, "mine", and shop with it.
* What are the risks? What potential benefits?
* Bitcoin, Litecoin, BitRaam, other digital currency
* Compliance and regulations, FinCen.Gov
* Common scams to avoid
* Safe off-line storage techniques
* Main points and SCI points
* Group discussion. Share experiences and tips.

Beginners welcome. Get $1 worth of free BTC to start your digital wallet with.

Disclaimer: Meetings at the Fairfield Public Library are for information only. The Library is not sponsoring this event, nor making an endorsement of digital currency. The Library is simply a meeting place. Participants invest in currency at their own risk. The seminar is free and open to the public.

Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency
Users helping users for free.  Make Fairfield great again!